Ahmedabad. Based in Ahmedabad, Vandana Goswami has become a household name in India for the easy-to-follow, simple DIY beauty advice she gives on her Youtube channel. This 34 year old started off in 2016 after she quit her job and has managed to buy her own house recently with the earnings as a social media creator. Recently she has been onboarded by Animeta, Asia’s AI-powered creator tech company focused on creating & nurturing digital creators.
I was pretty shy when I just started off. I didn’t even have proper knowledge of how to go about creating and sharing content. I learned the ropes and started implementing them as I progressed. From 2016 to 2018 I didn't even face the camera because I was shy. But today I am working with brands and I am more confident to share my content on camera” Goswami shared. Elaborating on her achievements she said “I am always filled with gratitude for the trust viewers place in my skincare and haircare tips.
When I left my job, my earnings were uncertain. My first earnings from creating content were Rs.6600. Today I have ticked off my biggest goal from my checklist, which is buying my own house. The little things I am able to do for my family bring me joy”. Vandana has been able to cut through the otherwise competitive online beauty content market, earning recognition for herself and her state Gujarat. She prides on her approach to educating her viewers on the dos and don'ts for beauty and selfcare. With her in-depth understanding she is able to a create practical and effective remedy that caters to the viewers needs. Her viewers rely on her to provide an accurate and trustworthy information.